Saturday, October 29, 2022

Adb usb driver - Download and install adb usb driver

Adb usb driver - Download and install adb usb driver

 What is ADB? How to install ADB to control Android devices for you

1. What is ADB?

ABD stands for Android Debug Bridge, is a command line program (cmd) that helps communicate between computers and devices running Android operating system such as phones, tablets,...

To put it simply, ADB is a bridge that allows you to access the Unix shell (command interpreter) to control Android devices in a comprehensive and in-depth way, without having to manually manipulate the device. .

2. Conditions for using ADB

- Fully install the necessary drivers for the computer.

- There are 3 files adb.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll in the same folder on the computer (usually on C drive).

3. How to install ADB to control Android devices

- Step 1: Download and extract ADB Driver

- Step 2: Go to the folder containing the downloaded ADB file > Copy the path to this folder.

Step 3: Open System > Select Advanced system settings > Environment Variables > Click on Path > Edit > Paste the folder link.

Then restart the computer and open cmd > Type adb. If the window displays as shown below, you have successfully installed.

4. Some commonly used ADB commands

- ADB devices

Command used to list the Android devices currently connected to the computer.

Execution syntax: adb devices.

- ADB push

Command to copy any file from the computer to the connected device.

Execution syntax: adb push remote local.

In there:

+ remote: The path to the file on the computer.

+ local: File directory on the device.

- ADB pull

The command copies any file from the connected device to the computer.

Execution syntax: adb pull local remote.

- ADB install

Command used to install or remove applications for the connected device.

Execution syntax:

+ Install for the first device in the list: adb install "path/to/file.apk".

+ Install for any device: adb -s [serial-number] install "path/to/file.apk".

+ Uninstall application: adb uninstall.

- ADB reboot

Command to restart the connected device.

Execution syntax:

+ Restart the device: adb reboot.

+ Reboot the device and access the bootloader: adb reboot-bootloader.

+ Restore to original state: adb reboot-recovery.

- ADB get-state:

The command shows the status of the connected device. There are 3 types of display states: print offline, bootloader and device.

Execution syntax: adb get-state.

- ADB get-serialno

The command allows to see the serial number of the paired devices.

Execution syntax: adb get-serialno.

- ADB shell screencap

Command to take a screenshot of the device.

Execution syntax: adb shell screencap /sdcard/picture.png.

- ADB shell screenrecord

Command to record device screen video.

Execution syntax: adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4.

- ADB shell pm list packages

The command displays the list of packages installed on the device.

Execution syntax: adb shell pm list packages.

- ADB shell

Command used to start the shell remotely.

Execution syntax: adb shell.

5. Do I need to install anything on my Android device to use ADB?

The answer is no, because the ADB daemon (adbd) is almost all built into the Android operating system on the machine. Once the adb installation is complete on your computer, you can access adbd through the command line interface.

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